Thriving partnerships--it takes a lot to parent as a team. While there are many strategies, we round table with other moms to go over what helps them and their partner successfully parent--together.
If you don't have time to watch the video, here are a few of the many takeaways!
1) Have a calendar system that works for you. Sometimes that is online, other times it is a paper calendar. The key is to have something where schedules can be viewed. HINT: assign colors to each family member to make it quicker to sort through the chaos!
2) Communication is key. Decide how to communicate, when to communicate (and when not to communicate), and what platforms to use. Sometimes a quick text message saying "I've had a long day with the kids--can you take over so I can take 20 minutes to regather myself?"
3) Reminders are helpful for you and your spouse! Between work obligations, family obligations, and relationship obligations (among other things like meal prep, house cleaning, etc.), we all can use a reminder sometimes. Fine what works best for you and your partner so you both feel supported vs. managed.
4) Find creative ways to share special moments with your partner. It may be utilizing technology so your partner doesn't miss moments, or it may be setting aside time for spouse sharing time. Creating space for the opportunity is key!
5) No matter what obstacle you are facing--find what works for you and your partner! No partnership is the same and we are all human.
Included are some helpful tips to start planning for postpartum including recipes, feeding guidelines, self-care strategies and more!
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